Monday, May 16, 2011

My first post Popping the cherry! lol

Well I'm popping my blogging cherry! *giggles* I don't really have any experience in blogging, but after following so many blogs I've decided I wanted one too! I would like share my reading and thoughts with people like me that let themselves get  ravished by their favorite authors. About a yr an 1/2 ago I got back into reading after finding what truly turns me on ... to reading that is ! Lol, which is the paranormal romances. There's just something exciting about getting into the authors mind and living in the world that they create, even if its just for a couple of hours a day. So as I venture out into this blogging world I'll share with you guys my thoughts on some of my current reads and of course LOTS of sexy eye candy! I look foward to this new world *hehe*

Now some Yummy Men!

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I hope ladies have enjoyed the view i sure did! *hehe*